Meet the Parents

  • Agnes Gene (Aggie)

    AKC Certified Bernese Mountain Dog

    Gender: Female

    Weight: 75lbs

    Height: 25”

    Temperament: Aggie is Kalm, affectionate, intelligent, goofy, stubborn, loyal, athletic, and has fantastic trainability. Aggies loves to run and play, and asks for belly rubs all day long. She prefers to lay outside on a cold winter day. Car rides and playing with other dogs are her two favorite pastimes. Aggie tags along to many of our children’s sporting events, and many other fans are in awe of her sweet and docile personality.

  • Beau

    Standard Phantom Tri-Color Poodle -Embark Certified. OFA certified.

    Gender: Male

    Weight: 68lbs

    Height: 26”

    Temperament: Beau is a Kalm, intelligent boy who loves to cuddle. He is very athletic and regal with fantastic trainability. Beau loves to go on hikes through the woods. His recall is outstanding. Did you know hat poodles where originally bred to be hunting dogs?

  • Kumo

    AKC Certified Bernese Mountain Dog

    Gender: Male

    Weight: 87lbs

    Height: 25.5”

    Temperament: Kumo is a sweet, smart, cuddly, and goofy boy. He always loves belly rubs, butt scratches, learning new tricks and doing little puzzles. He loves going on kayaking, camping and swimming adventures. He is adaptable to many situations and gets along well with all other pups. He really is the goodest boy! -Kumo’s Mom, Caroline